Uses Of Digital Signature

What is a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC)?

A Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is the electronic equivalent of a physical or paper certificate. It serves as a digital credential that can be used to prove one’s identity, access online services, or digitally sign documents.

In contrast to manually signing physical documents, electronic documents like e-forms require digital signatures for authentication and integrity assurance.

Types of Digital Signatures:

Digital signatures are categorized into three types based on the technology they utilize:

1. Simple Digital Signature:
A simple digital signature lacks encryption and is akin to a scanned handwritten signature inserted into a document or an email footer. However, it does not provide identity verification or ensure document integrity after signing. Simple digital signatures are vulnerable to forgery and are not recommended for secure or legally binding purposes.

2. Basic Digital Signature:
Basic digital signatures are similar to simple ones but can verify changes made to a document after signing. They still do not provide strong identity verification or use two-factor authentication, limiting their legal validity and security.

3. Advanced and Qualified Digital Signature:
Advanced and Qualified Digital Signatures offer the highest level of security and legal validity, equivalent to a wet ink signature on paper. These signatures use asymmetric cryptography and a public key infrastructure to verify the signer’s identity securely. They can indicate the time, location, and device used for signing, and any subsequent changes to the document are easily detectable.

Uses of Digital Signatures:

Digital signatures, a form of electronic signature, employ cryptographic algorithms to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital messages, transactions, or documents. They provide a unique virtual fingerprint tied to an individual or entity, ensuring data security and user identification in digital communications.

Applications of Digital Signature Certificates:

Income Tax e-Filing
MCA e-Filing
IRCTC e-Ticketing
DGFT/IET (Foreign Trade)
Foreign National Transactions
GST Filing
IPR (Trademark/Patent)
ICEGATE Transactions